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Invitae Privacy Policy

Effective date: January 25, 2024

  • Invitae Corporation, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (referred to collectively as “Invitae,” “we” or “us”), is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) contains (1) general terms that apply to all of Invitae’s products and services, including our genetic testing products and services and our Patient Insights Networks (collectively “the Services”) and (2) terms that apply to specific Services (please see the relevant Service-Specific Policies section). This Policy describes how we collect, use, secure and share your personal information when you:

    • Access or use our various products or services;
    • Access or use our websites that link to this Policy (“Websites”);
    • Interact with us, including by email, telephone, social media, and in person; or
    • Otherwise communicate with us.

    We refer to our Websites, products, services, and interactions with you collectively as “Services” in this Policy.

    This Policy, along with our HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices, explains how we use and disclose our patients’ protected health information (“PHI”) under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”). PHI may include, but is not limited to, your genetic testing information and results. Where the terms of this Policy either increase the commitment Invitae has made to an individual’s privacy or grant additional rights to patients greater than those listed in the Notice of Privacy Policy Practices, the terms of this Policy will control how we use and disclose your PHI.

    To the extent that any Service-Specific Policies conflict with the general terms of this Policy, the Service-Specific Policies will control how Invitae uses or shares your personal information.

Contacting Us

Our Websites are owned and operated by Invitae. If you have any questions about this Policy or our Services, you can email us at clientservices@invitae.com, call us at 800-436-3037, or write to us via regular mail at Invitae Corporation, 1400 16th St., San Francisco, California 94103.